quarta-feira, dezembro 27, 2006
Sword swallowing and its side effects
Este artigo é lindo!!! Só os gajos do BMJ para se lembrarem de publicar tal fenómeno!!!
A conclusão é hilariante: "Sword swallowers run a higher risk of injury when they are distracted or adding embellishments to their performance, but injured performers have a better prognosis than patients who suffer iatrogenic perforation."
Effects of Continuing or Stopping Alendronate After 5 Years of Treatment
"Conclusions : Women who discontinued alendronate after 5 years showed a moderate decline in BMD and a gradual rise in biochemical markers but no higher fracture risk other than for clinical vertebral fractures compared with those who continued alendronate. These results suggest that for many women, discontinuation of alendronate for up to 5 years does not appear to significantly increase fracture risk. However, women at very high risk of clinical vertebral fractures may benefit by continuing beyond 5 years. "
sábado, dezembro 23, 2006
Governo espanhol rejeita alterações ao modelo de farmácia
A Comissão Europeia, alegando a ilegalidade das disposições jurídicas espanholas, face aos artigos 43 e 56 do Tratado da Comunidade europeia, que se referem à liberdade de estabelecimento e à livre circulação de capitais, instaurou um processo de infracção, que foi prontamente contestado pelo Ministério da Saúde espanhol.
A Comissão Europeia cita as restrições relacionadas com a abertura e gestão das farmácias de oficina, tal como a incompatibilidade entre a distribuição e dispensa de produtos farmacêuticos, a propriedade de farmácia reservada a farmacêuticos, a exclusão da possibilidade de farmacêuticos de outras nacionalidades serem proprietários de novas farmácias, os limites territoriais demográficos ao estabelecimento de farmácias, a proibição de acumular a propriedade de várias farmácias, entre outras.
No entanto, a resposta do Governo espanhol mantém a defesa intransigente do actual modelo de organização do sector farmacêutico, realçando que as farmácias são estabelecimentos de saúde de interesse público e que, por essa razão, a legislação espanhola prevê uma relação especial entre o Estado e os farmacêuticos.
No documento enviado à Comissão Europeia, o Ministério da Saúde espanhol salienta que o nível de cobertura geográfica das farmácias só é superada pela Grécia e Bélgica e que 99% da população dispõem de uma farmácia perto da sua residência. Além disso, sublinha também que o serviço prestado pelas farmácias oferece garantias de qualidade, como atesta a inexistência de reclamações por parte dos utentes.
Para o Governo espanhol, o objectivo de assegurar um nível elevado de protecção da saúde humana, está, desde já, atingido com o modelo actualmente em vigor, justificando a necessidade de manter apertada regulação em relação à instalação e ao interesse público da reserva de propriedade de farmácias para farmacêuticos.
As sugestões da Comissão Europeia foram consideradas inadmissíveis pelo Governo espanhol que recusa considerar a actividade de farmácias como matéria meramente económica, sendo o seu âmbito de intervenção específico da protecção da população a cuidados de saúde.
Em anexo, poderá conferir a resposta do Governo espanhol à iniciativa da Comissão Europeia ou consultar o comunicado do Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
terça-feira, dezembro 19, 2006
Esta proposta de lei é linda. Leiam-na bem.
Quantos sapos acham os caros colegas que teria CC de engolir???
sexta-feira, dezembro 15, 2006
Decreto-Lei que regula o horário de funcionamento das farmácias de oficina
Comunicado do Conselho de Ministros de 14 de Dezembro de 2006
7. Decreto-Lei que regula o horário de funcionamento das farmácias de oficina
Este Decreto-Lei visa aumentar a acessibilidade dos cidadãos aos medicamentos, regulando o horário de funcionamento das farmácias de oficina e definindo o respectivo período mínimo de funcionamento.
Deste modo, estabelece-se que as farmácias de oficina funcionarão, pelo menos, 55 horas por semana, com um horário diário máximo que pode ser compreendido entre as 6h00 e as 24h00, todos os dias da semana.
Por outro lado, e tendo em conta o interesse público na garantia de acesso aos medicamentos, impõe-se que esta acessibilidade seja assegurada 24 horas por dia, mantendo-se a necessidade de fixar, consensualmente, sob proposta das associações representativas das farmácias, escalas de turnos, para garantir o permanente e efectivo acesso dos cidadãos ao medicamento em situações de urgência.
Paralelamente, visando clarificar dúvidas quanto à possibilidade de cobrança de um valor acrescido pela dispensa de medicamentos pelas farmácias de turno, o diploma proíbe, de forma expressa, qualquer acréscimo de pagamento nos medicamentos dispensados por uma farmácia de turno se os mesmos forem prescritos em receita médica datada do próprio dia ou do dia anterior
sábado, dezembro 09, 2006
Glycemic Durability of Rosiglitazone, Metformin, or Glyburide Monotherapy
quinta-feira, dezembro 07, 2006
Quem é que acredita que o governo faz isto para melhorar a acessibilidade? A mim, parece-me a 2ª parte de tentativa de destruição do negócio da farmácia comunitária.
Será que essas farmácias são viáveis? 24h\dia, 365 dias\ano implica um quadro de pessoal de cerca de 10 funcionários, entre os quais 3-4 terão que ser farmacêuticos.
Vamos esperar para vêr os cadernos de encargos dos vários hospitais e vêr as exigências que são feitas.
domingo, dezembro 03, 2006
Pfizer Stops All Torcetrapib Clinical Trials in Interest of Patient Safety
On December 2, 2006, FDA was notified that Pfizer will suspend a large, Phase 3 trial evaluating the investigational cardiovascular therapy torceptrapib/atorvastatin (T/A) due to an increased rate of mortality (death) in patients receiving the combination compared to those receiving atorvastatin alone. With the T/A development program, as it does with all such development programs, FDA assured that Pfizer had the appropriate protections in place for patients participating in the drug’s development, including informed consent, a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for its outcome study, and that the development program was done in a careful, stepwise manner.... (continues)
sexta-feira, dezembro 01, 2006
Pharmacists and Travel Advice for Tropics in Lisbon (Portugal)
Background. In Portugal, little is known about the quality of advice given to international travelers by pharmacists. The aim of this study was to determine pharmacists' training, experience, and interest in travel medicine and to assess the technical quality of the information given.
Methods. We sent a postal questionnaire to all pharmacies in the Lisbon area. The technical director or another graduate pharmacist was asked to complete the questionnaire.
Results. A total of 251 pharmacists participated in the study. Most of them (93.2%) did not have any training in travel medicine, and most of them expressed a wish to be informed and/or updated on this subject. The number of advised travelers was low. The use of repellent, protective clothes, and mosquito bed nets was the most frequent advice on protection against mosquito bites. From a subgroup of 170 pharmacists, 43.5% indicated mefloquine and 44.1% indicated chloroquine as malaria chemoprophylaxis to African countries. A significant association existed between the variables "to indicate mefloquine" and "seeks to be informed/updated on travel medicine." Those who indicated chloroquine tended to like travel medicine less. Concerning diarrhea prevention and treatment, the consumption of bottled and/or treated water and the administration of antibiotics during the episode were the most reported advice. Concerning vaccination against yellow fever, only 8 of 91 pharmacists correctly indicated all Portuguese-speaking countries with and without the risk of this disease.
Conclusions. Studied pharmacists need training in travel medicine. Travel advice was incomplete and/or incorrect and must be improved.
Germany's drug regulatory body is attacked
Annette Tuffs
1 Heidelberg
The independent institute that assesses new drugs in Germany is facing criticisms similar to those aimed at its equivalent body in the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Last week in Cologne a member of an association for people with diabetes and representatives of the drug industry walked out of a hearing of the Institute for Quality and Economic Efficiency in Health Care in Cologne because they were not allowed to record the hearing, which was on the use of short acting insulin analogues.
The institute has provoked anger among patients' groups and the drug industry by saying that no evidence has been shown that short acting insulin analogues had any advantage over human insulin (BMJ 2006;332:874).
After the walk-out drug firms accused the institute, which was founded in 2004, of insufficient transparency. The institute's director, Peter Sawicki, said that its rules did not allow participants to record hearings and that this had always been the case.
Tension between the drug industry and the institute has grown since the German government proposed expanding the institute's role, so that it will no longer consider only the clinical effectiveness of new drugs but also their cost effectiveness. The proposal is part of the government's package of reforms currently before parliament (BMJ 2006;333:720, 7 Oct).
The institute's evidence based evaluations will become the basis for decisions by the federal joint committee of doctors, health insurance companies, and patients' representatives that decides which treatments will be reimbursed by the state health insurance companies. Under the new reforms this committee will include independent members as well as representatives of doctors and health insurance companies chosen by the health ministry.
"For the analysis of the cost effectiveness of treatments we will use internationally accepted methods, just as we do for looking at the scientific evidence," said Professor Sawicki.
Before his institute can carry out any analysis, however, the government will have to decide what costs are to be taken into account when weighing up a drug's cost effectiveness—whether it is the costs to the health insurance companies, the health system, or the social security systems.
Dr Sawicki said that a public debate is needed involving the federal ethics committee and other institutions to consider the use of monetary equivalents of measures of clinical effectiveness such as survival and number of quality adjusted life years.
The institute's work is also under pressure because of difficulties in recruiting experts. Each project is advertised on the institute's homepage (www.iqwig.de), and renowned experts are also directly asked to apply. "However, experts have to be familiar with the methods of evidence based medicine, and this is not so common in Germany," said Professor Sawicki. They also have to be expert on the particular treatment. They have to spend a considerable amount of time on the preparation of a report, on average 100 (paid) working days.
"Another new problem is pressure from peers, which recently has forced one expert to withdraw for career reasons," said Professor Sawicki. Besides recruiting experts from abroad, he hopes to solve the problem by setting up small independent centres, with the help of government funding, in German university hospitals that have expertise in evidence based medicine.
sexta-feira, novembro 24, 2006
Joint declaration of HAI Europe, ISBD, AIM,BEUC, Medicines in Europe Forum
3 October 2006
"Health information is a fundamental and necessary part of healthcare. However, the development of direct to consumer advertising, of disease awareness (or "disease mongering") campaigns, "compliance programs", and direct and indirect pharmaceutical industry support of patient's organizations have blurred the the boundarries between drug promotion and health information. If patients are to be able to make informed choices about their health, there needs to be a clear distinction between information and advertising that is disguised as information."
quinta-feira, novembro 23, 2006
Não me parece que faça muito sentido ser-se juiz em causa própria.
terça-feira, novembro 21, 2006
quinta-feira, novembro 16, 2006
Houve então necessidade de se criarem quadros de competências bem definidos e multidisciplinares que permitem aos farmacêuticos devidamente treinados tomarem decisões terapeuticas nas suas áreas de actuação.
No mês passado (Outubro) foi elaborado um documento que define esses novos quadros de competências ( pela "Royal Pharmaceutical Society of G.B.", pela agência reguladora Britânica, pelo "Nacional Prescribing Center" e pelo "Department of Heath") adaptados á nova realidade da prescrição independente.
Este conjunto de competências são indispensáveis para que estes profissionais especializados possam actuar com a melhor efectividade possível.
Penso que vale a pena perder algum tempo a ler este documento. Interessante realidade.....talvez daqui a 20 anos em portugal
terça-feira, novembro 14, 2006
sábado, novembro 11, 2006
quarta-feira, novembro 08, 2006
O regresso da Cloroquina!!!
Com os afamados actores Plasmodium e Anopheles nos principais papéis...
segunda-feira, novembro 06, 2006
Será legítimo que alguns armazenistas e algumas (felizmente poucas, por enquanto) Farmácias desviem medicamentos, para exportação??
Será ético deixar um doente Português sem a sua medicação, para que alguns "artistas" ganhem umas massas colocando o medicamento nos países do Norte da Europa?? É bom lembrar que, por exemplo, o Zyprexa está imensas vezes esgotado. Esta situação só não é pior porque alguns armazenistas rateiam o produto.
sábado, novembro 04, 2006
2ª Edição do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Farmacoterapia
link @ ANF
quinta-feira, novembro 02, 2006
segunda-feira, outubro 30, 2006
Conferência : Ensaios Clínicos
Ao ter conhecimento desta conferência, fiz o que todos nós fariamos. Ver quem são os palestrantes, ver o programa para tentar perceber como seria o tema abordado e, por fim, ver os preços e... assustei-me.
1399,00 € + 21% IVA antes de 20/12/2006 e 1499,00 € + 21% IVA depois de 20/12/2006.
Para dois dias de conferência parece-me excessivo. Que acham? Eu acho excessivo, mas as opiniões mudam.
Gostava de ouvir as vossas opiniões. Até pode ser que me convençam.
Um abraço.
quinta-feira, outubro 26, 2006
"........perception that the FDA’s client is industry rather than the public."
terça-feira, outubro 24, 2006
Mais do mesmo?
segunda-feira, outubro 23, 2006
Arrisco mesmo dizer, que as farmácias fá-lo-ão de forma exemplar e que os únicos beneficiados serão o doente (maior acessibilidade) e o estado (poupança, pois não haverá tanto desperdício).
sexta-feira, outubro 20, 2006
RCM está disponível http://www.fda.gov/cder/foi/label/2006/021995lbl.pdf
quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006
quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006
Quem quiser vêr o RCM do produto http://http://www.emea.europa.eu/humandocs/PDFs/EPAR/champix/H-699-PI-en.pdf
Quem quiser vêr o resumo de parecer positivo da emea
Sem procurar muito, encontrei este resumo de um RCT do JAMA
segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2006
Topical diltiazem ointment in the treatment of anal fissure
A randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the effect of a calcium channel blocker ointment on pain after hemorrhoidectomy.
Diltiazem heals glyceryl trinitrate-resistant chronic anal fissures: a prospective study.
A randomized trial of oral vs. topical diltiazem for chronic anal fissures.
Successful treatment of chronic anal fissure with diltiazem gel.
Sitagliptina (Parte 2)
link @Formulary
sábado, outubro 14, 2006
Haverá Incompatibilidade??
____________Informação disponível no Infarmed__________________
Clínica Médica Dr. Tiago Martinho, Lda
Avenida Engº. Duarte Pacheco, Ed. Stª Rita II, 2517 Loja AV/AS Valongo N.
Registo no Infarmed00093/2006
link @Infarmed
sexta-feira, outubro 13, 2006
Espero estar enganado, mas não estou muito optimista ácerca do futuro próximo das farmácias. Saímos na rifa deste artista e agora temos que nos aguentar!!!!
quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006
quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006
Benecol e afins...
Acho interssante ver o estilo de publicidade imprimido à volta deste tipo de produtos nos últimos tempos. Agora até têm um spot radiofónico com a participação de Diogo Infante em que referem vários pontos que são nitidamente "targets" a atingir. Medicamentos, médico, natural, diabéticos... são termos usados para promover este produto que dizem reduzir o colestrol. É interessante como querem aproveitar o "élan" desta causa.
E estamos perante o quê?
Como sabemos o colestrol por si só não é uma doença logo dizer que estão a entrar na área do medicamento não se tornará uma opção viável?
E como refere a publicidade estudos científicos comprovam a sua eficácia. Será?
Haverá CRTs do produto?
Claro que não... fica o post mais em jeito de alerta.
E andamos nós aqui a falar de abusos da Indústria Farmacêutica...
segunda-feira, outubro 09, 2006
As eleições da ANF deram a vitória a João Cordeiro
"A lista de João Cordeiro [...] obteve 1.524 votos para a direcção, isto é, 69 por cento dos votos expressos. A lista derrotada [...] totalizou 690 votos (32 por cento)."
[má-língua on] Mas esta gente não sabe fazer contas. "Atão num é qui 69 + 32 = 101!!! 'Inda por cima é por cento ou %..." [má-língua off]
sábado, outubro 07, 2006
One in six workers self-employed @ EUROSTAT
"[...]Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), wich employ less than 250 people,
are the backbone of the EU's
[...] and employed about two thirds of the workforce[...]"
sexta-feira, outubro 06, 2006
Estejam atentos!!!
quinta-feira, setembro 28, 2006
Delaying Generic Competition — Corporate Payoffs and the Future of Plavix
Miriam Shuchman, M.D.
In August, pharmacies began selling a cheaper, generic version of the blockbuster antiplatelet agent Plavix (clopidogrel). This was good news for patients with cardiac disease or stroke who cannot afford to buy the medication at more than $4 a day. But to Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis, who produce and market the drug, it was a financial disaster. Plavix is the world's second-best-selling drug — 48 million Americans use it on a daily basis — and with sales of more than $6 billion last year, it accounts for about 30 percent of Bristol-Myers's total earnings. In an effort to keep the generic version off the market, Bristol-Myers and Sanofi had agreed to pay its Canadian manufacturer, Apotex, $40 million not to release it until 2011. If this agreement fell through because it was deemed unapprovable by government authorities, Bristol-Myers–Sanofi would pay a break-up fee of at least $60 million and they wouldn't take legal action in advance to stop Apotex from releasing the generic. If part of this payoff was late, Apotex would claim "interest at a rate of $20,000 per day," Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Barry Sherman informed a Bristol-Myers executive by e-mail after the companies' pay-off settlement was rejected by government reviewers.
Until Apotex stirred up trouble, Bristol-Myers and Sanofi had expected to profit from Plavix until its final patent expired in November 2011. But under the Hatch–Waxman Act that regulates their industry, generic-drug companies are not obliged to wait for the expiration of all patents — several of which are often in play, covering different aspects of any given drug. A generics firm can copy a drug and submit its product to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval, certifying either that its version does not infringe the relevant patent or that it intends to challenge the patent's validity. The system includes a strong incentive to challenge weak patents: if a generics company succeeds, it wins 180 days of market exclusivity. At the same time, Hatch–Waxman protects the brand-name company by giving it the right to sue immediately to enforce its patent and by blocking FDA approval of a generic for 30 months once such a lawsuit is filed.
In the case of Plavix, after the authorities rejected the initial settlement between Apotex and Bristol-Myers–Sanofi, the companies reached a second settlement, but by the end of July 2006, it, too, had unravelled in the wake of revelations that the Department of Justice was launching a criminal investigation of the deal. A week later, Apotex began flooding the market with generic clopidogrel, and within days, more than 60% of Plavix prescriptions were being filled with the generic, priced up to 20% lower than the brand-name product. On August 31, Bristol-Myers and Sanofi won an injunction preventing further sales, but by then, Apotex had shipped quantities that industry analysts expected to last until 2007.
The case offers a rare glimpse of the high-stakes arrangements through which pharmaceutical companies delay sales of generics and keep drug prices high — all under the watchful eyes of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice. Though the cash payments at the heart of this deal are shocking, such "reverse payments" from a brand-name drug producer to a generics company are not illegal. What's unusual about the case isn't the millions promised to Apotex, it's that the settlement fell apart and generic clopidogrel was released for sale. In recent years, such settlements have generally stuck, despite federal authorities' efforts to undo them, and generics have been kept off the market.
Since 1998, federal antitrust enforcers have delved into these settlements repeatedly. In one case, the makers of the heart drug Cardizem CD (diltiazem) paid a generics company nearly $100 million to keep its version off the market. In another case, the manufacturer of the antihypertensive and prostate drug Hytrin (terazosin) was set to pay $54 million to delay the release of a generic. The FTC filed complaints against both companies for violating antitrust laws and forced them to sign consent decrees placing restrictions on similar behavior in the future. In 2003, amid reports of "secret deals" between brand-name and generics companies, Congress passed a law requiring that all settlements between such companies be reviewed by the FTC and the Department of Justice — as a way of discouraging large cash deals, according to Ed Barron, counsel to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT).
Between 2000 and 2004, thanks to the FTC judgments, the consent decrees, and the new law, no drug companies made deals delaying generics by paying off manufacturers, and several generics were marketed earlier than expected. In a speech last April, FTC Commissioner Jon Leibowitz gave the examples of Prozac (fluoxetine), available as a generic in 2001, 3 years before the final Prozac patent expired; Prilosec (omeprazole), released as a generic in 2002, 15 years before all patents expired; and Paxil (paroxetine), available as a generic in 2003, 3 years before the final patent expired. The FTC estimates the value to consumers of these early generic entries at nearly $10 billion.
Generic fluoxetine was introduced in August 2001, generic omeprazole in December 2002, and generic paroxetine in September 2003. Data are from Scott-Levins Source Prescription Audit, published in Drug Topics.
But since 2004, judges and justice officials have disagreed with the antitrust authorities on several occasions. One case involved K-Dur, Schering-Plough's long-acting potassium supplement for patients with cardiac disease. Schering had paid one manufacturer $60 million not to market a generic version for 4 years and another $15 million not to market its product for 6 years. The FTC ruled that this was an antitrust violation, but Schering won on appeal and proceeded with the agreements. In another case, Zeneca paid the generics company Barr $21 million to keep its version of tamoxifen off the market until 2002, when all patents had expired, and the appeals court upheld the agreement, even though the final patent on tamoxifen had already been ruled unenforceable.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals had found the Cardizem payments illegal, however, staking out a position on cash payments from brand-name to generics companies "way at the other end of the spectrum" from other appeals courts, according to Karen Bokat, a former FTC litigator. So the FTC petitioned the Supreme Court to weigh in on the K-Dur case to resolve the issue, but the Court declined to review it.
An FTC study released in April showed the consequences of the K-Dur and tamoxifen decisions. In 2004, there were no settlements between brand-name and generics companies that included payments to delay a generic's release, but in 2005, the year of the appeals court decision in the K-Dur case, 3 of the 16 deals reached included such payments, and in 2006, after the tamoxifen decision, nearly two thirds of settlements have included such payments. "These settlements are becoming very common, and it's not surprising, because the courts seem to have given their imprimatur to some extent," the FTC's Leibowitz said in an interview.
Leibowitz views the release of generic Plavix as a unique situation. "This isn't a harbinger of more competition to come," he said. "It's the exception that says if we don't change the rules, every other time what we're going to see is reasonable companies . . . making payments to keep generics out of the market and generics [companies] accepting those payments because they make more money by staying out of the market than by competing. For the most part, consumers are going to be left . . . footing the bill, while pharmaceutical companies make these anticompetitive agreements that keep drugs out of the market." Representatives of the generic-drug industry, such as Kathleen Jaeger, president of the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, argue that these agreements have a "proconsumer" component, because the generic comes to market before the patent would expire, without the courts becoming clogged with litigation.
In the Plavix case, Apotex's ability to enter such an agreement had been building since 2001, when two generics companies believed they'd found cause to challenge the patent that expires in 2011. Apotex experts thought that the patent covered claims that would be obvious to any chemist who had seen Sanofi's earlier — expired — patent on the drug, and obviousness invalidates patents. The generics companies raced to submit their drugs to the FDA in order to win the 6-month monopoly. Apotex came in first, applying for FDA approval late in 2001 and declaring its intention to contest the patent. Bristol-Myers and Sanofi sued Apotex for patent infringement, triggering the 30-month stay of FDA approval for the generic product, and after a long course of discovery and motions in the case, the trial was scheduled for March 2006.
The largest drug company in Canada, Apotex is known for being aggressive and litigious. The company is privately held, and Sherman is both chair and CEO — characteristics virtually unheard of in U.S. and European drug companies. As a result, Sherman, who owns 90 percent of the company, can take risks without answering to investors or disclosing his losses. According to Apotex court filings, in early 2006, when the company learned that the FDA would soon approve its generic clopidogrel, it began to produce a large inventory of the drug, and Apotex sales staff began taking orders from customers — risky moves, since the lawsuit with Bristol-Myers and Sanofi remained unresolved. Under another Hatch–Waxman rule, if Apotex lost its case after releasing its clopidogrel, it would owe Plavix's makers three times what it had earned on the drug. Analysts believed there was a good chance Apotex would lose.
But Bristol-Myers couldn't take a chance on the courts' deciding otherwise. Its lawyers contacted Apotex lawyers to negotiate a settlement, and in March the three companies reached the aforementioned initial agreement: in exchange for a multimillion-dollar cash payment and some valuable legal concessions, Apotex would not sell its generic product until September 2011. One concession was that if the authorities did not approve the deal and Apotex released generic clopidogrel, it would not have to pay triple damages to Bristol-Myers and Sanofi, even if it lost its patent challenge.
The companies submitted the settlement for a review that entailed extra scrutiny from the FTC and a group of state attorneys general: all of Bristol-Myers's settlements required prior approval, owing to a consent decree stemming from a 2003 settlement over charges that it had illegally blocked generic competition for three other drugs. When the authorities rejected the Plavix settlement, the companies negotiated a new one that gave Apotex even stronger assurances that it could launch the generic with limited damages — and ensured that those aspects of the settlement would persist even if the overall agreement fell through.
Again the agreement was submitted to the authorities, but what happened next was a surprise. Apotex lawyers informed the FTC that the companies had entered into several oral side agreements that they had kept secret from the authorities. In an e-mail filed with the court that reads as if Sherman sent it to three Apotex executives, he claims that Bristol-Myers said it would still honor certain agreements from the March settlement but not put them in writing because the FTC had previously objected to them. One was Bristol-Myers's promise not to launch its own "authorized generic" clopidogrel to compete with Apotex in 2011. If Sherman's allegations are true, the companies may have violated both federal laws and Bristol-Myers's consent decree. According to Apotex court filings, Sherman "expressly certified to the FTC that these agreements had been made, and how they were negotiated." Bristol-Myers's lawyer, Evan Chesler, disputes Sherman's claims. But in late July, probably because of these allegations, the Department of Justice began its criminal inquiry into the settlement, and FBI agents arrived at Bristol-Myers's New York headquarters with a warrant to search the CEO's office. Days later, the second agreement was rejected by its reviewers.
On the evening of August 7, a beaming Barry Sherman sat in his office at the Apotex complex in a Toronto suburb, talking on the phone. His was the only car in the executive parking area, and Apotex security staff were off duty for a Canadian holiday. No one could have guessed that generic clopidogrel, a billion-dollar drug, would be in pharmacies the next day. "The trucks are rolling," Sherman said in an interview that night, calling it "the biggest launch ever" and revealing that one customer had placed a $75 million order for the drug. "You'd think everyone would be on our side because we're doing what's right for consumers," Sherman told an Apotex colleague who called his office that night.
Officially, the drug was still under patent, but all the standard protections Hatch–Waxman affords brand-name drug producers had been forfeited by Bristol-Myers and Sanofi in their attempts to settle with Apotex. New York Judge Sidney Stein, who halted sales of the generic, raised doubts about the entire negotiation by noting that Apotex hadn't convinced him there was any question about the patent's enforceability. The case has cost Bristol-Myers CEO Peter Dolan his job but Sherman will keep his, all three companies will testify before a grand jury in the criminal case, and they'll meet again in Judge Stein's court when the patent case continues next year.
Meanwhile, other brand-name pharmaceutical companies will probably continue making cash payments to fend off generics. Senators Leahy, Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), and Herb Kohl (D-WI) have proposed outlawing such payments, and the Senate held hearings on the issue in July. As the criminal investigation continues to make headlines, the legislative work will proceed more quietly, but experts say that ultimately, Congressional action may be what's required to stop drug companies from paying off their competition.
segunda-feira, setembro 25, 2006
Vaccinação contra a Gripe 2006/2007
Depois de navegar pelo site da DGS descobri esta peça. Mais vale tarde do que nunca. E atenção ao nº. 3.8!!!!
A 21 de Stembro de 2006 ainda não sabem quais as vacinas disponíveis!!! [má-língua off]
quinta-feira, setembro 21, 2006
Ranelato de Estrôncio (PARTE 3)
Enquanto andamos aqui a tentar discutir o sexo dos anjos foi aprovada a comparticipação do medicamento. Parece-vos que vamos ter um campeão de vendas??? Haverá benefício em relação aos bisfosfonatos??? E a questão da comodidade das tomas semanais versus tomas diárias? E comprimidos versus saquetas???
Primary Care — Will It Survive?
Bem me parece que estou algo "outdated" com a inlusão de um artigo de opinião do grande NEJM de 31.08.2006, mas creio que é muito importante. E parece-me muito actual pelo que está a passar-se com o SNS.
sexta-feira, setembro 08, 2006
Can Decisional Algorithms Replace Global Introspection in the Individual Causality Assessment of Spontaneously Reported ADRs?
guidobaldo said...
Can Decisional Algorithms Replace Global Introspection in the Individual Causality Assessment of Spontaneously Reported ADRs?
Authors: Macedo, Ana F.1; Marques, Francisco B.1; Ribeiro, Carlos F.1
Source: Drug Safety, Volume 29, Number 8, 2006, pp. 697-702(6)
Publisher: Adis International
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Aim: The usefulness of algorithms for assessing the causality of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) has yet to be established and, since the validation of causality algorithms depends upon their sensitivity and specificity, our study was carried out to evaluate these measures.
Method: In this study, an expert panel assessed causality of adverse reports by using the WHO global introspection (GI) method. The same reports were independently assessed using 15 published algorithms. The causality assessment level `possible' was considered the lower limit for a report to be considered to be drug related. For a given algorithm, sensitivity was determined by the proportion of reports simultaneously classified as drug related by the algorithm and the GI method. Specificity was measured as the proportion of reports simultaneously considered non-drug related. The analysis was performed for the total sample and within serious or unexpected events.
Results: Five hundred adverse reports were studied. Algorithms presented high rates of sensitivity (average of 93%, positive predictive value of 89%) and low rates of specificity (average of 7%, negative predictive value of 31%).
Conclusion: Decisional algorithms are sensitive methods for the detection of ADRs, but they present poor specificity. A reference method was not identified. Algorithms do not replace GI and are not definite alternatives in the individual causality assessment of suspected ADRs.
Keywords: Adverse drug reactions; Pharmacovigilance; Probabilistic sensitivity analysis
Document Type: Research article
Affiliations: 1: Administração Regional de Saúde do Centro, Núcleo de Farmacovigilância do Centro, Faculdade de Medicina, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
terça-feira, setembro 05, 2006
sábado, setembro 02, 2006
Alendronate or Alfacalcidol in Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis
link NEJM
sábado, agosto 26, 2006
A Proposal for Radical Changes in the Drug-Approval Process
De ler e de reter os princípios que advoga o autor deste artigo de "opinião" chamemos lhe assim. Um abraço a todos.
sexta-feira, agosto 18, 2006
Do Topiramato, para a prevenção de enxaquecas (receitado ás pargas), a Prescrire diz "Not acceptale". O Topiramato ainda não provou ser melhor que o Propanolol e tem efeitos adversos mais frequentes e mais graves. "It is better to simply continue using Propanolol".
Quanto à Trimetazidina, "There is no justification in using Trimetazidine in any of the indications". Esta frase diz tudo!!!
Assinem a Prescrire, é muito boa!!
sexta-feira, agosto 11, 2006
High Dose Atorvastatin after Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
Será que a redução verificada na incidência de AVCs (2,2 %) e em eventos cardiovasculares (3,5%), vale a pena?
Não vos parece estranho que, Atorvastatina (80mg) tenha 2 casos de Rabdomiólise e o ramo do placebo apresente 3 casos.
Como interpretrar estes resultados? Uma vez que contrastam com Heart Protection Study (HPS), que verificou que não havia redução no risco de AVC, em doentes com prévia doença cerebrovascular. As explicações dadas para esta disparidade, não me parecem muito convincentes.
quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006
The Silent Epidemic — The Health Effects of Illiteracy
Mais um artigo do NEJM. Acho que é muito interessante como exemplo do que se passa com qualquer profissional de saúde, por exemplo com os farmacêuticos comunitários. Recomendo a leitura.
domingo, julho 30, 2006
Charisma Trial - Clopidogrel
"To the Editor: The CHARISMA trial suffers from a basic methodologic limitation, also present in prior large trials of clopidogrel: the Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of Ischaemic Events (CAPRIE) trial1 and the Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent Recurrent Events (CURE) study.2 In a study designed to compare the effectiveness (in terms of the prevention of thrombotic events) of one antiplatelet therapy (aspirin) with that of a second therapy (clopidogrel with or without aspirin), the results are obviously biased toward the second therapy if patients who had a thrombotic event while taking aspirin (owing to the failure of aspirin therapy) are included. From methodologic and clinical standpoints, patients with and those without a history of unsuccessful aspirin therapy can be included in the study but should be separated at randomization and in analyses."
"The author replies: The combination of clopidogrel and aspirin was indeed associated with an increased incidence of bleeding complications, as compared with aspirin alone, as noted by Kongsaengdao and Arayawichanont. Their Table 1 is correct except for the double-counting of the severe and moderate bleeding complications that occurred in some patients. Fatal and intracerebral hemorrhage were tallied in the severe bleeding category. The correct point estimate for severe and moderate bleeding among patients receiving aspirin and placebo is 2.5 percent, and that for the composite of fatal bleeding, intracerebral hemorrhage, and moderate bleeding is 2.6 percent among patients receiving clopidogrel and aspirin."
"To the Editor: In the April 20 issue Bhatt et al. reported the results of the Clopidogrel for High Atherothrombotic Risk and Ischemic Stabilization, Management, and Avoidance (CHARISMA) study.1 As a vascular neurologist, I want to highlight a specific piece of information that may be missed in the wealth of data provided in the article.
Table 4 indicates that there was a marginal reduction in the risk of nonfatal stroke among patients receiving the dual antiplatelet therapy, as compared with patients receiving placebo plus aspirin, despite the fact that there were similar rates of nonfatal ischemic stroke in the two groups. Since there was no difference in the overall occurrence of primary intracranial hemorrhage, these numbers can be explained only by an excess of fatal intracerebral hemorrhages in the group receiving clopidogrel plus aspirin (nine patients, as compared with two patients in the group receiving placebo plus aspirin, according to my calculations).
Even though the incidence of fatal intracerebral hemorrhage in the total population was very low, the difference in the distribution of this complication between the two groups deserves to be noted."
sábado, julho 22, 2006
Numa Farmácia...
- Trabalha com máquinas?
Ao que responde o utente prontamente:
- Sim, sim, ao computador! (!?!?!?)
terça-feira, julho 18, 2006
segunda-feira, julho 17, 2006
Meios complementares de diagnostico nas Farmácias?
"Ordem dos Médicos contra administração de medicamentos em farmácias " in Públicio.pt
Os Farmacêuticos de oficina, e a ANF atravès do seu presidente poderão ter que travar uma das suas maiores "lutas" dos ultimos tempos.
Se o poder político cumprir o seu acordo de intenções com a ANF, as farmácias poderão estar habilitadas a realizar análises , administrar farmacos injectáveis e prestar 1ºs socorros, entre outros. A reacção "mais agressiva" da ordem dos médicos vem do norte, a sua secção mais interventiva e "fundamentali+*+". Será que valerá a pena "comprar" esta guerra? Será benéfico invadirmos a fronteira que foi á tanto tempo delineada? Ou teremos nós a formação e capacidade para encarármos este novo desafio como uma mais valia para a nossa profissão? "Postem" á vontade!!
Teriparatida (Forsteo)
Um abraço a todos. JFP.
quinta-feira, julho 13, 2006
Ranelato de Estrôncio (PARTE 2)
Até à data não conheço qualquer estudo controlado com comparador activo. Há 2 ensaios clínicos com os acrónimos de SOTI e TROPOS.
Vou tentar encontrá-los e comentá-los.
Agradeço colaboração para conjuntamente discutirmos se se trata ou não de uma inovação e qual o lugar do ranelato de estrôncio na farmacoterapia.
# posted by guidobaldo @ 4:07 PM
Há este artigo no NEJM que disponibilizo para quem queira sacar: Strontium Ranelate
É um ensaio clínico phase 3. Creio que é o SOTI.
E voltamos ao mesmo. O estudo é feito versus placebo.
# posted by JFP : 4:50 PM
Vamos estudar e estar atentos à decisão de comparticipação: comparador e preço.
# posted by fbm : 4:57 PM
Não resisto.. e coloco mais este link: link Página da EMEA, para nos ajudar no estudo.
# posted by JFP : 5:00 PM
# posted by fbm : 5:05 PM
Encontri mais dois ensaios clínicos. O STRATOS e o PREVOS. Mas só consigo ter o artigo completo do STRATO. Alguém arranja o PREVOS?
# posted by JFP : 7:33 PM
Acabei de encontrar o TROPOS.
# posted by JFP : 9:31 PM
O que é ser farmacêutico???
terça-feira, julho 11, 2006
Acordo com Associação Nacional de Farmácias foi denunciado pelo Ministério da Saúde

10.07.2006 - 15h31 Lusa -->in Público
Em declarações à edição de hoje do "Diário Económico", Correia de Campos indica que o Ministério da Saúde vai criar um fundo público para pagar o valor da comparticipação dos medicamentos às farmácias sem qualquer atraso, prescindindo da ANF, que até aqui pagava aos seus associados recebendo posteriormente o dinheiro da tutela.
O ministro sublinhou que esse objectivo não é novo, pois já estava previsto na lei do Orçamento de Estado para 2006.
"A lei do Orçamento de Estado para 2006, no seu artigo 8º, determina que não haverá mais intermediação financeira da forma como ela vinha a ser feita. Será só realizado com despacho conjunto do ministro das Finanças e do ministro da Saúde", precisou.
Correia de Campos explicou que, juntamente com o seu colega das Finanças, Teixeira dos Santos, quer "organizar um sistema de intermediação que garanta que os farmacêuticos, os proprietários de farmácias, tenham os seus pagamentos com uma rapidez e condições de custo melhores que as que têm hoje". "É esse o nosso desafio", sublinhou.
O ministro da Saúde respondeu ainda às críticas de que a medida afectaria o poder negocial da ANF, considerando que "não visa retirar poder a ninguém, mas simplesmente a pagar a tempo e horas".
domingo, julho 09, 2006
Em meados de Junho tinha realizado um teste com 271 de CT, e como este valor estava alto pediu ajuda ao farmaceutico ou tecnico na respectiva farmácia que lhe VENDEU uma sinvastatina 20 mg ao jantar. Passados 15 dias foi repetir o teste e estava com 176. Foi-lhe aconselhado passar a fazer 10mg/dia. Hoje veio confirmar o resultado estava a 196mg/dl. O que fazer: passar a 20mg/dia, manter 10mg/dia.???
Nao me peçam para denunciar alguem porque eu nao sou fiscal nem da PJ. O que eu queria era uma ajuda técnica...
sexta-feira, julho 07, 2006
Como sou jovem e inocente
Para começar: os "boticários" manipulavam, e os actuais farmaceuticos??? Se cada manipulado é próprio para cada doente, acho que a sua produção devia ser estimulada e não destruida. Aguardo bons comentários, mas não do tipo: eu faço, eu não faço....
terça-feira, julho 04, 2006
O seu a seu dono
Porque, na minha modesta e extremamente simplista e redutora opinião, o busílis da questão resume-se da seguinte forma: a mercearia ao virar da esquina tem os legumes mais frescos, pelo que eu prefiro comprá-los aí do que nas grandes superfícies...
Deixo-vos com esta salada para temperar.
quarta-feira, junho 28, 2006
O Relatório da Primavera
- "... De acordo com a distribuição geográfica encontrada, os pedidos de registo de instalação (dos estabelecimentos comerciais para venda de MNSRM) concentram-se nos distritos mais populosos e com maior concentração de farmácias." - alguém tem noção disto? onde está o estandarte tão badalado da acessibilidade ao medicamento?
- " ...O alargamento dos locais de venda de medicamentos não sujeitos a receita médica acarreta obrigações legais e novos desafios ao sistema de farmacovigilância com acrescidas necessidades de mais informação e de maior transparência. Porém, não encontrámos informação sistematizada sobre indicadores de desempenho do sistema
português de farmacovigilância." - onde é que já ouvimos isto?...
- "... A insensibilidade patenteada sobre questões como a relação benefício/risco dos medicamentos, sobre a iatrogenia medicamentosa como causa de morbi-mortalidade e de acrescido consumo de recursos em saúde para além da ausência de preocupação sobre se elevadas taxas de exposição populacional aos medicamentos,
particularmente quando não sujeitos a receita médica, poderão constituir um problema de sáude pública, torna desinteressante qualquer análise sobre os valores adiantados pelo Presidente da AdC." - a Autoridade da Concorrência (AdC) não apresentou qualquer resolução/solução para estes potenciais (quase existentes) problemas de saúde pública.
E com estas vos deixo...
Início da engrenagem...
Mas não vamos cair...
A experiência dos grupos 5 e6 na Pediatria tem sido um espectáculo. Nunca me senti tão ignorado. Já atirámos a toalha ao chão, desistimos, pois não faz sentido continuar a ir a um serviço onde, temos que pedir por favor para nos dizerem algo. Nestas 2 semanas falámos com 2 ou 3 médicas, num universo de mais ou menos 30 (entre especialistas, internos e estudantes)!!!!!
terça-feira, junho 27, 2006
Começemos então!!!
segunda-feira, junho 26, 2006
Núcleo Duro
Porque não nos calaremos, até que a voz nos doa!
O Núcleo Duro pretende ser um espaço livre, onde as ideias de quem circula no meio pequeno que é Farmácia podem e devem ser partilhadas.
Contamos convosco para uma revolução do conhecimento.
Porque como alguém disse... Devemos exercitar o músculo do cérebro! E da língua...